
The main goal of the communication department is to ensure that church members and the community are kept informed; and the church is properly represented to the public through signage, the church website, and social media. Through public relations, media relations, news and information, advertising, and promotion, the team is responsible for building, monitoring, and protecting the image of the church and its name, within the community.

Our objective is to raise public awareness of our church, its members, its mission, and its message. The communication team will do this by posting pictures of the church members, visitors, friends, and family, during various activities on the church website and through social media, as well as, highlighting church departments in our newsletter on a monthly basis. We will regularly consult the pastor and department leaders about events and activities. We will also assist with the creation and placement of brochures, flyers, direct mail, broadcast and print ads, and other promotional ideas.

To keep our members informed, we must be informed. We ask that all department heads notify the communications department by email of upcoming activities. Send us a flyer so we can start to promote the event far enough in advance. If you are unable to make a flyer, contact us and we will either help you or find someone to do so. Likewise, if you have ideas for the church’s newsletter send us an email and make a suggestion. If you would like to join our team, reach out to us also by email.

Rochelle Dowdie

Communications Director

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